
You can view the details of my publications at Google Scholar.


  • Almasi, M., Hemmati, H., Fraser, G., McMinn, P., & Benefelds, J. (2018). Search-Based Detection of Deviation Failures in the Migration of Legacy Spreadsheet Applications. Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 266–275.
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  • Almasi, M., Hemmati, H., Fraser, G., Arcuri, A., & Benefelds, J. (2017). An Industrial Evaluation of Unit Test Generation : Finding Real Faults in a Financial Application. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track, 263–272.
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  • Almasi, M., Siddiqui, T., Mohammed, N., & Hemmati, H. (2016). The Risk-Utility Tradeoff for Data Privacy Models. IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, 1–5.
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  • Almasi, M., & Haj Mohammadi, S. (2014). PARS: Model to Analyze Gender Disparity of Player’s Performance in Non-Violent Video Games. The International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 5–9.
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  • Subramaniam, H., Abdullah, R., Zin, H., & Almasi, M. (2013). Quality Evaluation of Malaysia Online Fast Food Restaurant Websites. The International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 409–413.
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  • Mougouei, D., Sani, F., & Almasi, M. (2013). S-Scrum: A Secure Methodology for Agile Development of Web Services. World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal, 15–19.
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  • Mougouei, D., Rahman, N., & Almasi, M. (2012). Evaluating Fault Tolerance in Security Requirements of Web Services. International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic, 111–116.
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  • Mougouei, D., Rahman, N., & Almasi, M. (2012). Measuring Security of Web Services in Requirement Engineering Phase. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics, 89–98.
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